CKFD Board

Board information

The Crown King Fire District is governed by a three-member non-partisan board elected at large by the registered voters of the Fire District. Board members are elected to alternating four-year terms. The Board establishes policy and approves the annual budget. As a special district of the State, the Crown King Fire District must comply with all applicable Arizona Revised Statutes. The Fire District holds open public meetings on the fourth Monday of every month at the Crown King Fire District Station.

Meeting information

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: the Governing Board of the Crown King Fire District pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.09, hereby gives notice that it will hold its regular meetings on the following dates, time and location. All Fire Board meetings are open to the public.

When: The fourth Monday of each month at 12:00 PM
Where: 397 Main St, Crown King, AZ 86343

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Crown King Fire District Governing Board Meetings are held in handicapped accessible rooms.

Agendas are available at the following official locations; not less than 24-hours prior to each meeting:

  1. Crown King Fire Station 397 Main St, Crown King, AZ 86343
  2. Crown King School 23550 Tower Mountain Rd, Crown King, AZ 86343
  3. General Store 1 Main St, Crown King, AZ 86343


Notice of Public Body Quorum

A quorum of the Board of Directors of the Crown King Fire District may/will be in attendance at events/places including those listed below in Crown King and the surrounding area. The Crown King Fire District Board will not hold an official meeting. They will not consider any agenda items and will not collectively discuss or take action on any issues at these gatherings.

  • Crown King local businesses and post office.
  • On work site projects at various locations in Crown King.
  • While attending local events and/or family gatherings.
  • While attending AFDA training sessions at various locations.

Board Membership

How to become a CKFD Board member:

Crown King Fire District Board member positions are elected through Yavapai County. When a board member resigns prior to completion of their term, the remaining board members can vote on a replacement for the remainder of the term. To become a CKFD Board member, contact Chief Bryan Smith for timelines, applications and additional information.

Current CKFD Board Members are:

  • Troy Ferencik – Chairman
  • Eric Van Cleave – Clerk
  • Todd Garrett – Board member